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Family of Frederick^10 Dale Van Wicklin 


Frederick^10 Dale Van Wicklin (Dexter^9, Frederick^8, Perry^7, John/Unis^6, Jan^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1955, in Detroit, MI

Married: Virginia/Ginny Healy Cunningham (b. 1967 in Brighton, MA) 21 May 1994 in Basking Ridge, NJ

1. Caitlin^11 Rose Van Wicklin, b. abt 1995
2. Michaela^11 Perry Van Wicklin, b. abt. 1998

Fred's parents are Dexter and Charlotte Ann (*Zhlngi)Van Wicklin (*maiden name encrypted)
Ginny's parents are ___________________.

Background information:

Frederick^10 Dale Van Wicklin
(Dexter^9, Frederick^8, Perry^7, John/Unis^6, Jan^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), was b. 3 June 1955, in Detroit, MI and m. Virginia (Ginny) Healy Cunningham (b. 13 September 1967, Brighton, MA) before 1995. They have two daughers. (See a picture of Fred and his two daughters on the page for George^9 Roy Van Wicklin.) Fred is a Lt. Col. in the US Air Force--most recently a B-52 (pictured) Radar Navigator (Bombardier) and 49th Test Squadron Commander, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana.

Children: Caitlin^11 Rose Van Wicklin, b. 14 June 1995 in Fairfax, VA and Michaela^11 Perry Van Wicklin, b. 3 February 1999 in Shreveport, LA.


Personal email correspondence with Fred^10 Van Wicklin.